About me

Hi, my name is Ben Fisher and I’m a software guy. I have 20 years of experience in the industry and have built a lot of cool things. In my spare time, I enjoy hanging out with my wife and two kids. We love to go camping, hiking, and fishing (always catch and release!). We have lived in the beautiful mountains of Montana for 20 years and the big sky way is our lifestyle.
My main intent with fishbits.dev
is to build a knowledge base of information that I have found useful with the hope that someone else does too! Everything on this site will be boot strapped, open-sourced, and delivered to the community via posts. We’ll discuss things like:
- micro-services
- java-frameworks (Spring, Micronaut, etc.)
- kubernetes
- kafka (Strimzi)
- infrastructure-as-code (Terraform)
- CICD – (I ❤️ Argo)
- observability
- maybe python – i’m starting to like python more 😉
- and more!!!
These are just a few of the technologies I’ve had the pleasure to work with. As a software guy, I get excited about writing the code as much as I do about the infrastructure it’s running on. As we go on this journey together, I hope that I can share my knowledge with you all…bit by bit!